Crowminius -- Crow's Compact Suitcase Mini

Eurorack Version!

Audio Demo

Crowminius Euro Quick Demo

Crowminius Euro and Crowminius Desktop Duet, Scarlatti's Sonata in G Major (k.455)

Follow the Crowminius thread at MW

MW thread for Crowminius Euro

Also blogged at:

Adafruit Blog

Order bare boards here!

Schematic and a reference image of the board are here.

Online bill of materials is here.

MIDICV Firmware

The Crowminius MIDICV firmware is available as an Arduino sketch and pre-compiled object code file as a zip archive:
Crowminius MIDICV v2

Note: the DAC library is needed as well as the Adafruit RGB LCD library and the MIDI library. Library installation docs are available here.

To upload the code to an Atmel ATMEGA328P microcontroller, an Arduino Uno or AVR-capable device programmer is required.

For Arduino users, use the IDE v1.06 available at downloads. I will sort out the v1.6.4 IDE eventually (it seems to break libraries on me).

For AVR device programmers, I recommend the AVRDUDESS graphical user interface application which makes device
programming fast and simple. Shown here is Crow's AVRDUDESS GUI window:

Note the device fuse setting values on the right as blank Atmel parts are not necessarily shipped with these settings.
The code file is loaded in the "Flash" text box, in this example it is 'Crowminius_MIDICV_v2.cpp.hex' -- the file in the zip
archive is 'Crowminius_MIDICV_v2_release.cpp.hex'

Stay tuned!